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What are you VOTING for?


Updated: Nov 3, 2024

As this general election comes to a climax, one thing continues to reverberate in my mind and heart. What we embody, we emanate. What we emanate we create. Our inner world is reflected in our outer world. What, therefore, are you embodying? What result do we want to see from this election? What are you voting for regardless of the candidates you are voting for? What quality of life are you desiring? As we perceive a country divided, how can we embody the possibility of unity? 

I imagine that the essence of what I desire as a human being is not so different from all other humans: Health, Love, feeling safe, prosperous, and inspired. I desire peace of mind and peace in the world around me. I desire my children and all beings to be happy, healthy, and self-empowered. I desire a healthy environment: clean air, water, soil, and food. I want enough for myself and others. I desire a world where we treat ourselves, others, and the beautiful planet we inhabit with respect, love, and compassion. I desire the ability to choose to be and create and express in the ways that resonate with my soul. I desire transformation from a world of separation and division to one of Oneness and Unity. I could go on and on, and my hunch is that every human’s core desire is not so different. We just may have different ideas on how to achieve this. 

We have become defensive, fearful, and combative. However, it is the simple yet powerful act of embodiment that will not only create a healthier, more beautiful inner world for ourselves to enjoy, but it becomes the epicenter of a seismic wave of energy that ripples into the world around us. This energy informs the climate of emotion that informs the climate of mind that impacts the actions taken within the collective field. It is time for a climate change that is sustainable. And it begins with our intention to literally be the change we wish to see in the world. 

I know this sounds ridiculously simple, even though this statement made by Gandhi has been quoted a million times. But I sense that it is the key to the secret garden of Eden to which we all yearn to return. Most of us miss the point of BEING, and we jump into action before we have fully basked in the state of being that we wish to feel and see expressed in the world. Peace; this is a big one. If I cannot know, feel, and maintain a state of inner peace, then I cannot be an agent for peace in the outer world. Love: I yearn to live in a world where people show love, respect, and honor for each other, and yet, if I have not cultivated a consistent state of love for myself and others within my immediate world, how can I expect to see it out there? 

Perhaps we believe if these states of Being were expressed in the world around us that we could finally be able to feel the love, peace, safety, and enoughness that we seek to know. We have created a paradigm in which we rely on the outside to change the inside. It is a fatally disempowering paradigm. We believe that if we elect the right people who think as closely to the way we think about the issues that are dear to us, at last, we can be safe, free, and supported. 

As long as we look outside ourselves to be ‘saved,’ we will live in a divided country, a divided self. Yet, as I embody my soul and the qualities that align me with my Divine Self, I know, experience and feel the fullness of life’s abundant beauty and the possibilities for us all. So, I commit to holding this state of embodied love and peace with faith and trust, not in a perfect government, but in an awakening of humanity to the peace and beauty that lives within each of us. Through the eyes of possibility and creativity, I will see a new Earth, a new humanity that deeply loves and respects itself. 

While I have already cast my vote in the general election, I will continue to focus each day on what I am voting for, not what I am voting against. I have had a lifetime to get clear about what I don’t want for myself and my community. I have been derailed, disheartened, and disenfranchised as I have borne witness to the conditions that I deem unacceptable. And in my powerlessness, I gave birth to my desire to be an agent of change. I keep being guided back to the simple truth that begins with the profound intention to embody that which I desire to see and experience in my world. It takes discipline, awareness, and profound self-love. 

So as you cast your vote, remember the power of your inner state to affect the outer state of the country and the world. My son said to me the other day, “I don’t feel that my one vote will make a difference.” I think he speaks for many. Yet, I know that every single person on this planet matters, and so does our vote — our literal vote and, more importantly, our energetic vote for what we bring to life. 

What you embody, you vote for, and you send out into the matrix of life and we are all touched by these energetic votes in ways beyond what we can imagine. Your vote matters and it creates matter, so let’s get intentional and embody what matters to you. 

I vote for love, peace, joy, freedom, vitality, health, wisdom, compassion, inspiration, kindness, creativity, innovation, beauty, unity consciousness, appreciation, acceptance, opportunity for all, enthusiasm, understanding, patience, healing, transformation, Oneness, Awakening… 

So dear soul family, what are you VOTING for? 

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