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The Alchemy of the Solar Eclipse


8/7/2017 the day of the lunar eclipse.

The Solar Eclipse poised to make itself visible to the United States of America from the west to the east coast on August 21, 2017 promises to bring with it the alchemical element of Fire. Last night at Utopia, my little boutique in downtown Charleston, we hosted a ‘Spirit Talk’ with astrologist, Peter Lanzillotta, offering his observations of the significance of this auspicious celestial activity. Charleston is in the path of ‘totality’ at the most ‘dynamic’ place of the eclipse as it exits the country going off to sea. While he did not use the word ‘auspicious’ to describe this eclipse, to those of us who see the sacred alchemy in the ‘dark night of the Soul’, we sensed and felt the pregnant potential in this fiery event. He made it clear that the frequencies of this eclipse are absolutely, by virtue of the astrological calculations, a firestorm of burning potential. After presenting us with the ‘facts’ illustrated in the charts that revealed a wealth of interesting and intriguing information, we were left with more of a sense of doomsday, rather than what I expected would be a discourse in utilizing the frequencies delivered by this eclipse to initiate a powerful and alchemical transformation on both a personal and collective level.

Yet, a sweet seed of possibility was planted and the deeper awareness of what had been offered sprouted in our Awakening meeting the next morning. For 4 years a group of us have meet for 4 hours weekly to support each other on our intentional journey of Awakening. We have tilled the soil of consciousness, open-heartedness, and commitment to the raw realness that is required to transform and evolve. As we took the time to meditate on what we wanted to receive from the energies offered by this potent eclipse, we all felt the percolating excitement of this cultivated willingness to dive into the fire for the sake of alchemy. We do not shy away from the cauldron of transformation, no matter how uncomfortable it may make us feel. We know the opportunity of this CONTRACTION on a celestial level is big and powerful and if we are willing to ride the wave of its energy, we can both personally and collectively give birth to the New Way we have all been waiting for.

The Mother Moon is literally covering the Father Sun! It is engulfing the bright light of the prevailing male energies with Her frequencies of the Divine Feminine. In as little as 2.5 minutes or so the impact of this alignment of moon and sun, is said will have the potential of causing cataclysmic events across the country…and possibly globally. However, as I see it, the potential for a potent alchemical reaction is truly what is at hand.

So, the sun, has long represented the masculine energies that are expressed as active, dynamic, material, manifested, hot, dry, fiery, daytime, brightness, focused awareness. The moon, holds the frequencies of the feminine which is receptive, passive, dark, earthy, moist, cool, encompassing, diffused awareness. Think about the difference between the mother and the father.

The prevailing expression of humanity on earth has been imbalanced by male or yang energy, much to the detriment of our planet and all life on it. It is simply time for the balance to be asserted into our collective and personal evolution. If we do not embrace this balancing of the the Divine feminine, than we will not evolve. What that will look like, I do not know. I can only imagine. However it is my intention to focus on the evolution that I see and feel is possible for all of US as we embrace this transformation that the Divine Feminine will usher into our midst.

While it seems that the fiery predictions of this potent eclipse are bringing in more of the masculine frequencies, it is the burning Love of the Divine Father Sun that yields to the cool darkness of the Divine Mother Moon, that is illuminated only when darkness falls, revealing the celestial heavens, and the expanse of the Universe. When the brilliant Sun is shining we cannot see what is held within the darkness, the infinite field of possibility, the quantum realm, the heavenly Galaxies. We are immersed in the illusion of matter, that distracts us from the eternalness of our Inner Being, our Infinite nature. When basking in the illumined reality of the masculine, we are intoxicated by the manifested world to the point that we doubt that anything else beyond this even exists. We question the inner stirrings of Spirit that whisper to us of a world and a Self that expands beyond the breadth of our imaginings. Yet, the blessed Sun of our brilliant earth illuminates only the tip of the iceberg, revealing only a snippet of our Divine True Self that predominately resides within the dark, moist waters of infinite Love, expansive and vast.

This is indeed an auspicious activity of a monumental nature, that has the potential to open a portal to the Divine Feminine through the inescapable burning contractions expected when giving birth to a New Way, a New Day, a beautiful new Being that is balanced in both the energy of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. As we collectively transcend the limitations of being one or the other, we are birthing the new human that is a beacon of the integrated One. We are being offered the opportunity to burn away the extraneous and limiting beliefs, thoughts, patterns of polarity consciousness that imagines us as separate clumps of matter and to give birth to the Oneness Consciousness that knows the ‘hidden’ nature of our Essence, that truly is One with All that is.

Within this courageous intention to consciously walk head on into the Fire of this eclipse, we activate the positive potential of transformation that alchemy inspires, transmuting our old archaic, limited self-perception into a powerful new cosmology of an Awakened being that knows It is One with All perceiving and sensing the Unified Field in all that emerges within the manifested world of illusive separateness.

I am excited, just as I was when I prepared for the inevitable birth of my sons, 3 times, knowing that in order to bring this new life forth into this manifested world I so adore, that I would have to walk into the fire of that physical labor that each time held the mystery of the unknown. Would my baby be well, healthy, normal? Would the labor be long, short, back-breaking, easy? Would I be able to deliver naturally in the comfort of my home, or would complications arise requiring me to be transported to the hospital? Would I be able to ride the wave of each contraction with enough surrender to allow the child to come forth without too much trauma or drama? Each time I trembled uncontrollably as the waves of labor took over my body and the fear, awe and excitement was almost too much to bare. Each time I gave birth to a New Son/Sun to be the new male in a world that would, some day in the future, give birth to a New Way that can hold the human that is balanced in male/female energies and live in harmony with all the perceived others, knowing in the depths of our SOULS that there is no other…that we are man and woman and at the same time neither one, and oh so much more.

So I stand poised for this labor, of cataclysmic proportions, wise enough to know that it is simply necessary to yield, surrender, allow, the birth to take its course…to breathe through each contraction and trust…TRUST that I can do this…without drugs, conscious and awake, eyes wide open. Trust that this is a natural part of the process and ALL is well and All will be well no matter what. Trust that I can shed the parts of myself and my story that no longer serves me and I will survive the crumbling of old ways for this New Way. There is nothing to fear. This is the magical process that is as natural as breathing and at the same time as much a miracle as the birth and presence of a new born babe.

Let us enter this Eclipse, this time of transformation with Awe and reverence and courage, sweet family of the earth. Let us re-member that as we walk this earth that we are made of stardust and that we are born of both the Father Sun and the Mother Moon. As the Moon passes over the Sun, let us embrace our Divine celestial parentage and take the seat in the throne of our birthright. For we are the sons and daughters of the Divine One and we are in essence ONE with the Divine All.

In gratitude for the fire…Burn baby burn!

Beki Crowell

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