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What does it mean to be intimate? The concept has been one that has eluded me for a long time. Am I afraid of intimacy? Am I really willing to be intimate? Am I holding back from life, from my lover, from my relationships? What scares me—being vulnerable, being hurt?

It seems to me that it takes courage to be intimate, and intimacy starts with the Self. Intimacy, when mastered, is the highest spiritual ideal, because it allows for a sweet, delicious connection to All That Is. It recoils from nothing. It walks into the darkness, the earthy barren fields of the unknown, and brings a living breathing expression of Love, which embraces the mystery as it steps into thin air, unafraid and unconcerned as to where its foot will land. Intimacy takes Faith—Faith beyond words. Faith that viscerally knows all is well, that I am safe, that I am One with all of life. Even that is too many words and inadequate to describe the Faith that Intimacy knows.

I yearn to be intimate—fearlessly and recklessly intimate—with all that shows up in my life.

Intimacy is an Open Heart, a spacious mind, a body that melts into the surrounding molecules of moisture, indiscernible to the senses, but utterly intoxicating to Intimacy. Intimacy risks vulnerability without a second thought, because it knows it is intrinsically safe and that, in truth, there are no risks. Intimacy embraces fear and transforms it into Love. It is alchemy. It is the eyes of the newborn, whose unflinching gaze takes you in, into the Love it is, without apology, explanation, requirements or neediness.

Intimacy is flawlessly free,

utterly and completely.

It requires intimacy to be Awake.

It transforms the mind and lives deep within the heart.

It is the surest and sweetest path

back to the Self.

Except taken from Bare Beauty. Available on Amazon and at

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