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Bring Out the Tool Box


Received from the Akashic Records of Humanity on 4/2/2020. during the times of COVID-19


~Use your tools to help you navigate this time. Share them and learn new ones from others, that resonate with you.

~Utilize the creativity and wisdom from those beings who were once human in near past, to receive insight and inspiration to navigate these times. Loved Ones, ancestors, creatives, masters of their craft, all have much to offer from their new vantage point.

~Be you. This is your greatest gift to yourself and to the collective. We need you to step in!

It is time to bring out the tool box and use all that you have learned along your path that has served you and put them into good use now. All of the emotional tools, the spiritual practices, the physical practices that keep you aligned, balanced, healthy and at ease. Each human will be charged to access what they know, and follow that inner knowing. It will not be the same for everyone but there will be groups of people that will find solace, connection and purpose within similar practices.

So, by all means share your tools with others, and you may be an inspirer, reminder and/or resonator with others who are feeling overwhelmed at this time. Speak up and out to inspire what you aspire to in yourself. For some it will be to find a place of deep peace, and faith. Others, a sense of purpose, found through work or creative self expression. Some will seek a way to be in service, and some will be looking for the transformation of an old way.

Allow yourself to become aware of what it is you seek to experience in this period of collective contraction. Everyone is moving through this birth canal together in their own way, and some are still in gestation and others are close to crowning but no one has yet emerged. There will be waves of undulating contractions which will propel this process. Trust in the process and utilize the tools that you have garnered and share them with others who may have been asleep in the past and are just waking up to the shock of this evolutionary wave.

Some of the tools are meditation, mindfulness practices, good nutrition, exercise, gratitude practices, dance and other forms of creative movement, artistic practices of all kinds, activating creativity, sexual connection with your beloved. Grounding, earthing and connecting to the earth is critical and will be a profound way to transmute fear frequencies. So these tools will be invaluable for you to activate and share. It will also be a time to receive from others new ways of feeling aligned to the Essence of All of Life, the Source, and to your own Divine Self.

As you receive and share the tools of alignment with those of you who are now embodied, we encourage you to become aware of the legions of support from the non physical dimension. The Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones within Akasha are always available for you to tap into and receive insight and guidance. There is an infinite resource of wisdom and intelligence and creativity available for you from those of us who have known what it is to be human and are deeply connected to the earth plane. We desire to be of support.

Your artists, innovators, creatives, and intellectuals of the recent past are looking to assist humanity as well. Your world is in a great and profound transition and the potential for transformation is great. You can participate in your own way. By accessing the beings who have interacted with you in the physical in the past, you can receive a new perspective that can be very helpful for you as you navigate the current challenge. Become aware of them and they will give you the insight that will become a part of the solutions being sequestered by much of humanity now as a result of this intense period in human history.

Know that you have come to this time and space because you had both something to give, and something to receive from the conditions that are present within this lifetime. Open to the awareness of your personal and intimate purpose for coming into the physical world at this time. Check in and ask your Soul, what It wants to know, feel, experience, receive and give. As you tune into your Soul perspective in this way, you will not only feel enlightened, you will sense yourself becoming a frequency that will be of great service to this time and space and this will be of great solace to your human mind. As your human consciousness is soothed you will truly be able to experience this contraction with a greater excitement and joy.

You are indeed on the ride of your life! Your Soul came here for these times. Remember this. You are strong. You are so brave and you have so much to offer. Your presence is precious and perfectly perfect for this moment. Be you! The greatest gift you give to the body of humanity and the body of God, is for you to BE YOU fully, unapologetically, with love, grounded in self-love, with respect for self and other, with joy, creativity and humility. Be natural. Be you. We need you now to drop the mask and claim your worth, your Bare Beauty.

Step in dear ones, or you will be asked to step aside. It is time. Let this historic contraction of divine proportion be the impetus that takes you out of the sidelines and inspires you to dive in. The Divine dives in!  So embody the divine you, embrace your soul, and liberate yourself from the fear propelled by the human consciousness, and infuse the Soul perspective into this world so that you all may know the beauty that is being created right now, by you and all the legions of beings both physical and non physical. 

In Love and Oneness

~Divine Guidance

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