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Beauty Revealed


I have come to realize that I am not here to save anyone or anything. I am not here to warn, fix, control. I am not here to tell you what you don’t know so that you will be safe. I am not here to study what I don’t know to make sure that I am safe. These are all well-meaning constructions of the egoic mind. It seeks to protect self and other so that it can keep this body safe and alive. Its identity is intrinsically tied to the body. This has served a very important purpose for the human soul. For the Infinite Soul knows that it is eternal, limitless and creates all that it lives. The Soul chooses this limited, material world and the mind of the ego that perceives from within the illusion of finite reality. It wanted to experience this reality and to evolve and expand consciousness through the means of this illusion of separation and limitation. 

Yet there comes a time when the awareness of our infinite nature serves us more. I am in this place now. I choose to remember. I choose to unshackle my mind and body from the limited perception of what it means to be human. I choose to live what I know as a Soul. So as I witness the dysfunction and corruption that emerges from this separation-consciousness I will no longer allow myself to get caught up in the illusion. I will not become engulfed and distracted by the story of suffering and pain. It is compelling indeed. Just look how we partake in the horror stories in both our movies and the news.

I choose to bring my attention to the Beauty that lives at the core of ALL; all conditions, all things, all people. No matter how horrible it may look from the ‘reality’ we perceive, I will not consent to the story it paints. I will remember the Truth that is buried within this material world: We are All One; We are infinite beings of Love and Light; All that shows up in the world of form that we encounter is an opportunity for our Infinite Soul to evolve; at this Soul level, we have chosen all that shows up in our lives; Love is all there is. The greatest act of Love is to remember this Truth and to live as though this is our moment to moment knowing.

I know this. Every cell in my body rejoices as I remember this and write it here. Yet I still become distracted in the ‘reality’ that is playing out before me: the suffering, the corruption, the ignorance. I become terrified and from that state of being I seek control and a desperate need arises to fix the problems I see play out around me. I become blinded by the illusion and lose sight of the invisible reality that vibrates at the core of all life: the infinite essence and source of all life.

Those of us who are able to live and speak from the Infinite perspective of reality will be called all kinds of derogatory names: heretic, witch, dreamer, unrealistic, eccentric, quack, kook, dissident, dangerous, conspiratorial. We may lose our credibility or respect from our communities for seeing, knowing and giving value and attention to something that cannot be seen, that is not proven or tangible. Yet all of life is created from the formless, infinite dimension.

I choose to withdraw my consent from all forms of reality that do not honor Love. I withdraw my consent from all energies, entities, systems, conditions, things, from all time and space, known and unknown, that do not serve Love. I reclaim my sovereign power as a creative being of Light and Love. I reclaim my power to create reality instead of regurgitating the reality that I observe and unknowingly have consented to.

My Inner Guidance has been persistently encouraging me to remove my attention from those things that do not serve what I desire to experience or see empowered in my life and in the world, and to bring my attention to what I desire to create. It is important to realize that what we hold our attention on we give power to. We unwittingly empower the very things we rail against.

These past couple years of the Covid trauma/drama have been a rude awakening for me at a whole new level. So much of the corruption and deception and dysfunction within our systems and psyche was revealed to me in ways that felt more real and close up than ever before. I was revealed not just to this in the outer world but more importantly to the inner dysfunction that lived in me. I became more aware of the ways in which the myth of separation lived in me, and how I was contributing to this consciousness. 

I have been committed to this inner awareness, painstakingly retrieving the parts of my soul that have separated from my wholeness as a result of lifetimes of trauma. Each time I reclaim a part of myself that I left behind and integrate this orphaned aspect of my being, I heal more deeply. I regain more of my energy, my power and my compassion grows.

I became aware of the belief structures within me that judged and othered and stigmatized. While dismantling these beliefs felt disorienting, I also felt a spaciousness emerge. The possibility of new realities were revealed, as I let go of the remnants of inherited beliefs that still hung on by a thread. The egoic need for the familiar and the ties to the past it honored kept me stuck and in some ways still do. But that stubborn thread is getting worn and the promise of a better way for all of us, including the ego that simply seeks safety and comfort, dawns on the horizon.

Yet, we still are in the midst of a grand global deconstruction of eons of consciousness. While I cannot control what happens outside of me, at least not from outside of me, I can transform from within. I can change my own consciousness by being willing to dismantle the many stories of separation that have infiltrated my mind as the truth. I can empower the reality that I want to see emerge from the ashes by seeing the beauty within all situations, people, things, energies and entities, especially when it is hard to see. I can shine the light on those buried treasures and be a revealer of Beauty which really is a more descriptive word for Love. For when Love is truly felt and known then we encounter the Beauty that is always there waiting to be seen and acknowledged.

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